21 September 2023
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch* & Registration
*Sandwiches and drinks will be at your disposal on site for lunch.
1:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Welcome notes
Bernard Kleynhoff (President of RisingSUD)
Odile Gauthier (Executive Director, Institut Mines-Telecom)
David Gesbert (Director, EURECOM)
Philippe Poggianti (Vice-President, Business Development 5G, Qualcomm France)
Amira Alloum (Senior Staff Engineer, Wireless R&D Center, Qualcomm France): "Leading the world to 5G and beyond : A prototyping perspective”;
Raymond Knopp (Professor, Communication Systems Dpt, EURECOM)
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Coffee break & demos
Juan Bucheli "Intelligent 5G mmWave network planning"
3:45 PM - 4:30 PM
Slawomir Stanczak (Professor TU Berlin – CampusOS project lead): "Towards private 5G networks powered by Open RAN"
Vivek Kulkarni (EU Project Coordinator (IntellIoT), Siemens): “5G unleashing a pathway towards Industrial Metaverse: Manufacturing use case from EU-project IntellIoT”
4:30 - 5:30 PM
Panel discussion 1: 5G and sustainability
Vivek Kulkarni (EU Project Coordinator (IntellIoT), Siemens) ;
Cedric Thienot (Co-founder & CTO, Firecell) ;
David Boswarthick (Director of New Technologies, ETSI) ;
Youssef Nasser (5G/6G Business Unit Director, Greenerwave)
6:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Social Event (Cap d'Antibes beach)
22 September 2023
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Frank Fitzek (Professor TU Dresden – 5G-OPERA and 6G-life project lead): "Future Communication Systems for the Tactile Internet""
Marc Jamet (Project Director - Ministry of Economy, Finance and industrial and digital Sovereignty, France): "Overview of the French Acceleration Strategy on 5G and future networks" ;
Kai Sandmann (Policy Advisor - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany)
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Coffee break & demos
Juan Bucheli "Intelligent 5G mmWave network planning"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Youssef Nasser (5G/6G Business Unit Director, Greenerwave): "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces and Leaky-cavity antennas: a polyphony of concepts for a Sustainable 5G" ;
Henri Seydoux (CEO, Parrot) : "5G for drones";
Frank Hoffmann (Chief Expert for Communication Systems at Corporate Research, Bosch): "Private OpenRAN networks for the vertical industry" ;
Elisabeth Py (VP Green & Radio Networks, Orange Innovation): “Orange journey to make the most of 5G for its customers' experience”
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Håkan Olofsson (Head of Systems, Concepts & Algorithms Standards & Technology at Business Area Networks, Ericsson): “5G as a key enabler for digital transformation”
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Panel discussion 2: Advancing 5G/6G to new use-cases
Stephane Gervais (Executive VP Strategic Innovation, Partnership & Smart Data, Lacroix Group) ;
Jean Jacques Adragna (Staff Manager, Product Marketing and Business Development at Qualcomm EMEA) ;
Elizabeth Py (VP Green & Radio Networks, Orange Innovation) ;
Philippe Herbert (Venture Capital & Intl Bus. Devt, Industry 4.0 +, PassFrenchTech creator, Ambassadeur France 2030)
Moderator: Ms. Kayla Roark
5G-Advanced for the Industry of the Future - Organizing team
David Gesbert (Director, EURECOM), Raymond Knopp (Professor, EURECOM Communication Systems Dpt), Florian Kaltenberger (Professor, EURECOM Communication Systems Dpt), Louise Papadoperakis (EURECOM Corporate Communications Dpt), Sabrina Stanislas-Boumier (Sr Manager, Government Affairs, Qualcomm), Amira Alloum (Senior Staff Engineer, Qualcomm), Ozge Koymen (Senior Director, Qualcomm Technologies Inc.) and the staff collaborating with them.